Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Tengah malam ini, yap tengah malam, tidak bukan skripsi atau tesis lagi, tapi aku masih terjaga di meja ku, bukan di rumah, tapi di kosan, bukan di jogja atau cikini kesukaan ku, ini di tangerang, daerah yang tidak pernah aku bayangkan sebelumnya untuk menetap, eemm "sempat" menetap disini. Dengan beberapa berkas pekerjaan, yap berkas, dokumen, dan permainan perusahaan serta kroni-kroninya, aku disini hanya kacung bagi mereka, kacung permainan mereka, haha kacung bergaji. Impian ku, memang ini impian ku untuk bisa bekerja di salah satu perusahaan milik negara, hanya saja aku bosan dan penat dengan hiruk pikuk yang statis ibarat kehidupan orang orang berpenyakit Anterograde Amnesia yang di derita Lucy pada film 50 First Date yang selalu melakukan hal-hal yang sama di setiap harinya, hanya saja aku dikejar target para pimpinan yang terhormat.

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Makhluk Besar Kesukaan Ku

Tulus - Gajah

Setidaknya punya tujuh puluh tahun | Tak bisa melompat pun mahir berenang
Bahagia melihat kawanan betina | Berkumpul bersama sampai ajal 
Besar dan berani berperang sendiri | Yang aku hindari hanya semut kecil
Otak ini cerdas ku rakit perangkat | Wajahmu tak akan pernah ku lupa

Waktu kecil dulu mereka menertawakan | Mereka panggil ku gajah (ku marah) ku marah 
Kini baru ku tahu puji di dalam olokan
Mereka ingat ku marah, jabat tanganku panggil ku gajah 
Kau temanku, kau doakan aku | Punya otak cerdas, aku harus tangguh
Bila jatuh gajahlah yang membantu | Tubuhmu di situ pasti rela jadi tamengku 

Kecil kita tak tahu apa-apa | Wajar bila terlalu cepat marah
Kecil kita tak tahu apa-apa | Yang terburuk kelak bisa jadi yang terbaik
Yang terburuk kelak bisa jadi yang terbaik | Kau temanku, kau doakan aku
Punya otak cerdas, aku harus tangguh | Bila jatuh gajahlah yang membantu 

Tubuhmu di situ pasti rela jadi tamengku | Kau temanku, kau doakan aku 
Punya otak cerdas, aku harus tangguh | Bila jatuh gajahlah yang membantu
Tubuhmu di situ pasti rela jadi tamengku

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Workplace is more appropriate to call a rollercoaster road

Saturday, March 1st '14
-- 02:17 AM

Helloo again, long time I dont write about something in these. With the same thoughts as before but different time and conditions! Here, finally I had done passed from my postgraduate and now I'm working at one of state-owned companies in Indonesia, hamdalah. The working world wont be the same with education world which we alyawas have a lot of good plus honestly friends. In there, we will meet many variety of bad and good people, sucks but somehow it’s very cool. From this new place where I have just become a newbie, has a potential to create me from a little sweet girl to be a woman, learned how many people hurt me, how many people nice to me only at the certain times, and in the same time I can create my own self like a woman that I want than while observing the behavior of people around.

One leasson that I remember, These words could you believe or not, its free. Don’t ever judge people directly bad or not, if you are not surely believe that they nice to you only when you have some good opportunity than others. It can be happen on people who have dual personality or hypocrisy. They change their attitude in front of you, suddenly become good for you such as give you somethings, tried to talk to you about important things whereas that are their mini secret, and the worst is they tell something bad about us in front of others.

I told about this not to always be applied in every workplace. This is my principle of my work life, live your life whatever you want. Its just like a sharing and my experience. Because every company has their own way and culture.

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Puji Syukur dalam Kata Pengantar

Semua telah terbayar, semua rasa terimakasih telah dituangkan dalam selembar kata pengantar yang diplomatis dan umum dengan yang lain karena keterbatasan sistem penulisan yang selama ini sudah dibakukan, tapi jika sistem tidak berlaku di dunia ini, maka berlembar-lembar kertas di muka bumi ini tidak akan pernah cukup untuk menuliskan rasa terimakasih ku pada kalian semua yang terlibat dan mendukung dalam banyak hal tentang ini semua. Saatnya kita membuka pintu dengan dunia dan lembaran kertas yang baru, mungkin bukan putih, bukan pula polos, tapi berwarna dan banyak polanya. :)

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Iseng-iseng tidak berhadiah

Maapin atas keautisan ini, dimana ketika diam di dalam kendaraan itu tidak mengenakan, jadi inilah yang kami lakukan yang disponsori oleh radio Gen FM 98,7. hehehe.

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

Color Composition From Fruits and Vegetables

One of my favorite places, my mother and me went to a supermarket. As usual, I was walking around enjoying a variety of foods and beverages are displayed on the shelves of well-ordered. Sellers who commute offers a variety of the newest products. But I still enjoy a variety of other products with a very attractive package. I walked to the spot serving fresh food, such as fruit, fresh fish, bread, and vegetables. Well! here, I was feel compelled to stand along in the fresh food spot. See, the color composition created by the arrangement of fruit and vegetable. These are some of my shots when accompanied my mother was shopping at the supermarket.

my mother counting her money

personal documents, 2013

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Mother's Old Kitchen

If you feel bored, come and cook with me!
This is the one of my favorite snacks. I cook alone in my mother's old kitchen. With a mix of various foodstuffs and a little bit of my cooking skills had not been honed. Then, I started to enjoy my afternoon. With vanilla panecook and potatoes mayonase, let's share the joy with homemade food. Where's your recipe? I want to try!

my foodstuff

Panecook and tea

Potatoes mayonase

personal documents, 2013
@adistysavitri (intagram)